Substitution of ValuesΒΆ

To generate a slightly different fixture than a defined one, does not need a new fixture definition. It is possible to alter properties on instantiation time.

Assume following model and fixture for this page

class Account(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'account'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column('name', Unicode)

class Person(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'person'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    first_name = Column('first_name', Unicode)
    family_name = Column('first_name', Unicode)
    account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
    account = relationship(Account)

# Fixtures
class ArnoldAccount(BaseFix):
    MODEL = Account
    name = "arney"

class ArnoldAdminAccount(BaseFix):
    MODEL = Account
    name = "arney-admin"

class ArnoldPerson(BaseFix):
    MODEL = Person

    first_name = "Arnold"
    family_name = "Schwarz"
    account = sqla_fix_fact.subFactoryModel(ArnoldAccount)

To substitute a property simply add a key word argument to the constructor

arnold_fix = ArnoldPerson(fix_fact, first_name="Franz").create()

assert arnold_fix.first_name == "Franz"

Of course more than one substitution is possible

arnold_fix = ArnoldPerson(fix_fact, first_name="Franz", family_name="Egger").create()

assert arnold_fix.first_name == "Franz"
assert arnold_fix.family_name == "Egger"

Even references to other factories can be substituted. In this case you need to use one of the sub-factory definition functions!

arnold_fix = ArnoldPerson(fix_fact, account=sqla_fix_fact.subFactoryModel(ArnoldAdminAccount)).create()

assert == "arney-admin"